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Showing posts from May, 2017

Finished Object - May the 4th Mini Quilt Swap

This is one of those projects that I don't have a huge amount to say about, because it was a pretty simple make, but it was one of those ones where I had zero enthusiasm to actually work on it, probably because it was simple. This was made for my swap partner's son, and I was told he liked Chewbacca, the Light Side and Stormtroopers. All the patterns she posted in her mosaic were from Quiet Play , and she didn't give a lot of info about fabric or anything else really, so I was working pretty blind. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out though, and it seemed to be fairly well received, which is always nice to know. (here modeled by R, who made the fatal mistake of being at my house when I needed to take some photos)

Zip Up Tray Pouch (or why I should do stuff late at night)

In my vague attempt to keep up with this whole blogging thing, and because I'm currently bored at work, here's a blog post. My Star Wars maythe4thsquiltswap package went off to it's new home on Saturday, although thanks to traffic and the bank holiday, it's not going to get there until tomorrow. I'm pleased with it, and when my partner has received it, I'll post it up here. In the mean time, this is my first attempt at the Zip Up Tray Pouch by Aneela Hoey. It's a great, clever pattern, and I think it would be perfect for tabletop gaming, as well as the obvious craft uses. It would be even better if I could read instructions properly.